About priority

Learn to schedule your priorities, not to prioritise your schedule

Naju medhi

During a leadership course led by her, Naju Medhi mentioned this. She did mention that she read this from the book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey. So probably the citation should go to Stephen R. Covey.

However, Naju brought that sentence in a way that somehow I just cannot forget it.

Amsterdam Science Park

I found a super nice picture of the surrounding of Amsterdam Science Park at night photographed by my colleague a few months back. I just feel it is worth to share.

This photo means so much to me because the building in the middle of the picture is The University of Amsterdam, the university in which I successfully earned my master degree just a month ago. :)

Amsterdam Science Park Night Sky by Panagiotis Stravopodis on 500px.com